
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Stupid D&D Thing... 

I was reading a D&D article online. They usually have an "About the Authors" blurb at the end. I found this one hilarious:

"About the Authors

Steve Winter is a writer, game designer, and web producer living in the Seattle area. He's been involved with publishing D&D in one form or another since 1981. Tiny people and monsters made of plastic and lead are among his favorite obsessions.

Bart Carroll inhabits only dark subterranean places. He roams such places in search of his food -- metals of all sorts, but principally ferrous based metals such as iron, steel, and steel alloys. If the author touches the metal with his two antennae, it rusts or corrodes the metal. Metal affected rusts or corrodes and immediately falls to pieces (which are easily eaten and digested by the author). Weapons striking the author are affected just as if the author’s antennae had touched them. Bart can smell metal at 9" distance. He will stop for a melee round to devour such items as a handful of iron spikes or a mace if a fleeing editor throws them away, but he will go after ferrous metal in preference to copper, silver, etc."

Ha! I love things like that. David Dumeer has a good one too:

"David Dumeer is a freelance artist who has been confined to a dark damp room for the last seven years where all purity has been drained from his precious bodily fluids."
Yay strangelove!

You know, I saw that with Ellen a few weeks ago for the first time in years. I forgot it even existed for a while (I don't know why...I <3 the bomb).
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