
Thursday, January 08, 2009

They Came And Ate Us: The Musical 

Whenever anybody asks us what our band is called, Lucas, Pete, Rhys and I will now respond with what you've just read.

Lucas and I were just randomly emailing made up band names back and forward (with a few other Phone-Monkeys who we work with) and that was one that Lucas came up with. I instantly said 'WANT!'

It was from the title of a Robert Rankin book...

...actually, I've just checked it out. It's technically a portmanteau of two Rankin titles: Armageddon: The Musical and They Came And Ate Us (Armageddon II: The B Movie)

Now, back to work. I'm making a few things for when Rhys gets back. Going to be messing with loops totes hardcore.

It's a good name. Sad thing, though: most of the names I sent out were REAL band names.

And now you must read most Robert Rankin. Like NOW.
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