
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Donkey-Kong...Or Bowser? 

So I'm getting the playing bass with cello-bow thing down...how it sounds seems to depend a lot on how steady my hand is - there doesn't seem to be an easy way around it.

Uh. Lucas, Pete and I are working on a song I came up with and have been for the past month or so (since Pete started playing for us, really). It's not an easy one to play - structurally speaking - but from a technical standpoint, it's not too much of a challenge for any of us on our respective instruments. I guess this'll help us focus more on listening to each other instead of ourselves.
Apparently our neighbours don't mind, either. Turns out they actually were digging the song, from what they heard of it. Good to hear we're not pissing them off. Yet.

I'm also getting into the habit of doing the looped samples thing again. It's been two months since I moved and I think I've run out of excuses as to why I can't. I need to re-establish some sort of work-ethic (as if I had one before). A track I'm working on that I ditched has been brought back - I stopped working on it as it sounded too annoying. Seem to have changed my mind - I think I can see it taking shape quite quickly. I'll have to force it onto Lucas/Gareth/anyone else who can be tricked into standing still for more than a minute.
Work has been interesting. The entire team has been thrown around a bit, but I think we've kinda settled again. Anyone who is reading this would probably know what I'm talking about, so I'll leave it at that.

I ended up voting for absolutely nobody, too - Cecil was thrilled/possibly surprised by this news. Apparently I don't talk about myself enough.

Had to go back to my mum's place to vote, as I'm still registered as living in Greenacre - we ended up 'voting' as a family. I think I should begin to be worried about my mum's attitude towards it - she didn't seem to realise that you pretty much walk in, get your name signed off, then walk out. She seemed to be under the impression that you had to make it look like you were actually voting, that somebody was specifically watching you, ensuring that you ticked a box and submitted it before you left (as if the majority of the people in the room had some sort of authority to enforce the voting procedure). If her attitude does reflect that of the masses, then manipulating a population is frighteningly easy to do. Forget about chipping the population, forget about CCTV, forget about the Panopticon system (theoretical or otherwise). Nnnnrrrgh. At least Pref understood how one avoids voting - and why one would. Good thing, I was beginning to doubt if I were biologically related.

I'm hangin' out for the Futurama movie. Dooga mentioned that he'll be DVDing it to me shortly. He and Craig keep talking about it and how cool it is. It's frustrating.

Nah, your Mom's not representative.

As for new song, great. Why did you put it like you were awaiting an explosion? I like new things.

As for your work ethic, it's about freaking time. We need to actually FINISh some songs.

I just have a pretty sparse drum track at this stage, that's why you haven't heard it. It'll turn into something interesting shortly.
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