
Monday, March 26, 2007

Sunshine Recorder 

Up until a few minutes ago, I was wondering where on earth I pulled 'Martian Chorus Bells' from.

While listening to 'Geogaddi', one of Boards of Canada's albums (possibly the one that does it for me more than any others), it occurred to me that it is structurally similar to a lot of their stuff and the sounds were created in similar ways.

It sounds a crapload crazier and doesn't have that warm and fuzzy quality most Geogaddi tracks have, though...

The next person who tells me that they liked MCB is gonna get a bunch of BOC CDs thrown at them by me.

Oh, so it's common for BoC songs to be Tuvan? And stuff? Huh?

Oh, and I liked MCB. *awaits hail of CDs*
Uhh...Tuvans are warm and fuzzy?

Whatever. I'll fling CDs at you or something.
(even though you once said BoC were boring)
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