
Tuesday, February 06, 2007


So a customer was reading an error message out to me over the phone and I was taking it down to sent to another department, as we don't handle that product.

He starts to read:

"OK, so I'm getting 'Recovery error: (that's e-r-r-o-r)..."

"Yes, I can spell 'error', thank you"

"...22.jpg already exists in your recovery folder (that's f-o-l-d-e-r)'"

"I don't mean to blow my own trumpet, but I am pretty certain I can spell most words that would appear in that message."

He continued reading out the message and arbitrarily deciding which words I may be having trouble with. Sigh.

I just decided to start messing with him and saying things like: "So, was 'file' spelled p-h-i-l-e?" And "How's that spelled? D-e-l-o-r-t-e-d?"

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