
Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Wow. The last post I made on this thing was in July.

I finally quit Insight a bit over a month ago. The last shift there was rather unpleasant. I show up to work, not really wanting to be there, and for the first time in a while, fantasising about getting another job. The shift goes horribly. I think I was on a warm list but getting hung up on as though I was cold calling.

On Christmas day.

That made the day even worse. I don't normally let a bad shift get to me, but by this stage I was genuinely depressed. I was considering leaving at 3:30 instead of 4:30, but shortly before 3:30 rolls around, Gavin calls me up, explaining to me that he has been listening in on my pitching for the past few minutes. One thing leads to another and he tells me to go home.

I'm not bothered that he told me to leave. I am bothered that he openly acknowledged that I had sounded "like someone died" while I was pitching to people, then thinking it was a good idea to give me a severe chewing-out, THEN expecting me to come back in the next day bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, and perform well. I think I'll pass.

I do intent to let them know I quit someday :-D

Good news though. Working as a courier rocks rather well. The hours aren't exactly as flexible as Insight and it involves NOT calling people up for money, as somebody's already done that part for me! And during quiet periods, I'm able to hang out with Catherine, if she's nearby. Huzzah! (You all know by now that we're seeing each other, right? w00t! Four months and one day!)

It does also mean that I'm able to read a lot. I'm currently re-doing the Ender series, since I never did completely finish it the first time 'round (having lost the Shadow of the Hegemon somewhere while I was about halfway through it).

It also give me a lot of time to play guitar/bass. Which is great, since Catherine and I have started a band. We're going with the name "Poweranimal". You've seen Fight Club, right? Please say you've seen it...

We're probably going to need a drummer. Anyone know where to find one of those? HELP!!!

I'm also listening a lot to Lullabies To Paralyze, which I finally got my hands on. Damn, that is some good shit. I didn't like Songs for the Deaf half as much as this. But for some reason, I'm also hearing Radiohead's "Hail To The Thief" in parts, and I don't know why.

Speaking of Radiohead. And Future Sound Of London. And Tool. And Massive Attack. WHERE ARE YOUR NEW ALBUMS?!?! Hurry up you crazy bastards, don't you want my money?

Oh, I'm feeling like I should be nervous as hell, since Poweranimal's first gig is to be tomorrow night. That's like...the first time I'll have played in front of a crowd of people. And I've been playing bass for two months. And guitar for something like...six. Cripes. On the plus side, Catherine is really singing and playing rather well.

I think it's the prospect of Lucas making me a kick-arse shirt for me to wear during the gig that's lightening the mood. Heehee.

I'd better cut this short, I'm out of stuff to write, and I need to drop by Craig's place to drop off some signed forms for work. Going all the way out to Blacktown just to drop these forms off is too much, damn it! This system is just much easier, since he's going out there anyway...He's a courier's courier!

Hopefully another update soon! (?)

Now all it needs is for lucas to see it..

I also thought that said 'Hail to the Thief in pants' at first glance.

i thought it was much funnier.

Gavin is a jerk.

Hazzah for the bass.

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