
Sunday, June 05, 2005

WHY? Is It The Name? Is It The Lemon And Salt? Is It The Tiny Little Sombrero You Get With Some Of Them? 

I'm aware of the backlash that this comment will stir up (I'm lookin' at YOU, Lucas! :-P), but I learned that I may be more capable of doing shots of tequila than Lucas or Craig. For those of you who don't know, Lucas has a magical power. It's to get me to drink and eat the strangest things that I normally don't see the point in eating/drinking, often in under three hours of persuading, goading and threatening. Nobody else can come close.

Lucas was building this tequila thing up, suggesting I have something to chase it with afterwards, as the stuff apparently burns the back of your throat. I took a little sip to see what it tasted like (absolutely nothing, with a faint aftertaste of something used to strip paint), then just took the whole shot. Then waited.
Then waited.
Then waited some more.
Then because Lucas was encouraging me to chase it (apparently it really burns, remember?), I did. That was the most exciting part of the experience. Might as well have chased it with chilli.

One thing really confuses me. The stuff has absolutely (or near enough to) no flavour. And it induces a slight burning sensation in the back of your throat. Big deal. I'm sure there are more exciting ways to get drunk :D

The only way I'm going to drink that stuff again is if money's involved.

Or possibly if Lucas is involved.

All I Do Is Watch Films, Apparently 

I saw The Longest Yard on saturday.

Not bad, if you're expecting a by-the-numbers Adam Sandler film.

-Adam's character starts off incredibly drunk, then sobers about 25% of the way through, developing a new-found sense of responsibility and need to do right by everyone except the antagonist. There are a few genuinely messianic moments in there, particularly for fans of gridiron.

-A lot of people get hurt throughout the film's duration

- The last half features a commentator narrating whatever's happening on screen (usually people getting hurt) in an enthusiastic drawl (however that works).

However, this time there wasn't a member of the opposite sex to be won over, unless you count a few cross-dressing inmates.

Now, would you believe me if I promised I've write a proper update soon?

Down the back, don't boo me, it isn't polite.

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